
Liberty Arts Award Dinner 2018 | October 13

 Liberty Arts Award Dinner 2018 | October 13

Saturday October 13 we hold our first annual Liberty Arts Award Dinner. The award recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the artistic, cultural and economic vitality of Durham.

This year we were honored to present The Liberty to Phil Freelon who embodies the spirit of this award in every way and very personally for Liberty Arts in particular.

Blog | March 8th | 2018

Blog | March 8th | 2018

Sitting at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and Umstead Drive in Chapel Hill is a recently finished unique memorial created by Liberty Arts Board member and founding artist, Michael Waller. It is a commemorative bench honoring the life and legacy of Joe Herzenberg. Herzenberg was a local historian, social justice advocate, and first openly gay elected official in North Carolina.